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Ergonomic Assessments

woman using computer
Ergonomics is the science of matching the work to the worker. Ergonomics in the workplace focuses on making the environment, products and tasks efficient for the user to improve worker safety and comfort.

Creative Therapy Associates’ registered Occupational Therapists (OT) offer a variety of ergonomic programs from workstation assessments to employee training sessions. Applying ergonomic principles in the work environment will provide your employees with increased comfort, improved morale and job satisfaction, and will lead to enhanced worker productivity.

As an employer, you will benefit from injury prevention, early return to work, reduced absenteeism, decreased costs resulting from fewer sick days, lower compensation payments, and improved worker morale.

Creating a comfortable, safe work environment often involves applying a few simple adaptations and strategies identified and implemented by individuals qualified in ergonomics. Creative Therapy Associates can work with you to develop the program best suited to meet the needs of your business.

Individualized Workstation Assessments

These personalized examinations of workstation ergonomics will include a physical demands analysis by a registered OT. A written recommendation will highlight how to optimize workstation function for each employee including:
  • Workstation Setup
  • Lighting/Glare
  • Ease of Movement/Clutter
  • Optimal Heights and Angles for Equipment (Such as Computers, Keyboards)
  • Posture and Proper Body Mechanics
  • Recommended Strategies (Taking Breaks, Exercises and Stretches)
  • Specialized Equipment (Such as Seating Support, Adapted Equipment)

Return to Work

An essential part of any return to work strategy is the development of an individualized ergonomic plan incorporating adaptive strategies for employees returning to the workplace after a short or long-term disability leave. Beginning with a physical demands analysis looking at the essential functions of a job, the registered OT will prepare a written report including recommendations for a successful return to work strategy. All elements included under “Workstation Assessments” will also be addressed if applicable.

Job Demands Analysis

Looking more generally at the physical, mental and environmental requirements of a specific job or position, a Job Demands Analysis can be used to enhance a job description for hiring purposes or assist with a return to work plan for an employee.

The written report will include:
  • A summary of tasks required and equipment involved
  • Potential risk factors/safety concerns
  • Identification of essential and nonessential functions
  • Physical effort as related to job demand

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